1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Kind regards
Rodger "Jesus is the life"
* http://www.bible.ca
* http://www.keytothekingdom.com
* ***@paradise.net.nz
Grasshopper LLC Publishing - http://www.pagestream.org
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=----------v04wrQ1ist8PD9z8c2Rb5X
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Content-ID: <***@>
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<BODY style=3D"font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:13px"><DIV>Hi Da=
vid,<BR><BR>You might think about doing a<STRONG><U> Opera Repair instal=
l</U></STRONG> again and see if it sorts out the troubles !<BR><BR><BR>O=
n Wed, 17 Mar 2010 01:19:01 +1400, David Haycock <***@iinet.net=
.au> wrote:<BR><BR>> On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 11:00:11 +0800, John Silb=
y <***@silby.net> wrote:<BR>><BR>>> Dave<BR>>><B=
R>>> Two possibilities that you could check:<BR>>><BR>>&g=
t; (1) I don't know if this will help, but have you checked whether "Blo=
ck<BR>><BR>>><BR>>> (2) Have you checked that "Show Image=
s" is selected in the View popup<BR>>> Regarding saving - are you =
getting a drop-down list of attachments in<BR>>> the email heading=
Kind regards
Rodger "Jesus is the life"
* http://www.bible.ca
* http://www.keytothekingdom.com
* ***@paradise.net.nz
Grasshopper LLC Publishing - http://www.pagestream.org
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=----------v04wrQ1ist8PD9z8c2Rb5X
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-15
Content-ID: <***@>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable
<BODY style=3D"font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:13px"><DIV>Hi Da=
vid,<BR><BR>You might think about doing a<STRONG><U> Opera Repair instal=
l</U></STRONG> again and see if it sorts out the troubles !<BR><BR><BR>O=
n Wed, 17 Mar 2010 01:19:01 +1400, David Haycock <***@iinet.net=
.au> wrote:<BR><BR>> On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 11:00:11 +0800, John Silb=
y <***@silby.net> wrote:<BR>><BR>>> Dave<BR>>><B=
R>>> Two possibilities that you could check:<BR>>><BR>>&g=
t; (1) I don't know if this will help, but have you checked whether "Blo=
ck<BR>><BR>>><BR>>> (2) Have you checked that "Show Image=
s" is selected in the View popup<BR>>> Regarding saving - are you =
getting a drop-down list of attachments in<BR>>> the email heading=