Alan & Sally
2009-09-01 10:03:02 UTC
Hi, I have a problem with viewing e-mails in filters. It is nothing to do with the setting of the View period. When updating to the recent Opera 10 6642 I found that I had to import my settings because this release looked at earlier preferences (9.64). I don't see the point in this as the import was only partially successful. Filters were not imported and nor were widgets and RSS feeds. I had to manually reconstruct the filter list and also re-install widgets and feeds. After that I have spent several hours sorting through about 22 000 e-mails and placing them in the relevant filters. At the end of this exercise I find that many of the e-mails I have placed in filters by highlighting and then choosing Show In to place them in the required filter, are not showing. The number of e-mails displayed in the heading is probably correct but many of them are not accessible. At a rough estimate I am getting less than a quarter are showing in some filters. These are all in the Received!
Sent database and the contents can be viewed, but not in the filter.
What is probably a related problem relates to the creation of a new filter. When I highlight a group of e-mails and then try to put them into a new filter, only the first one of the group is showing. Today I have tried to put a sent e-mail, freshly created, into its filter. It won't go. This has happened with two e-mails today. It looks as though there is a bug in the filter software. Further, when one is viewing the body of an e-mail, selecting Show In does not display the list of filters. One has to go back to the e-mail inbox to be able to get the filter list for selection. This has been faulty for several releases.
I have since updated to 6652 but still no success. I am running a G5 Mac with OS 10.5.8.
Sent database and the contents can be viewed, but not in the filter.
What is probably a related problem relates to the creation of a new filter. When I highlight a group of e-mails and then try to put them into a new filter, only the first one of the group is showing. Today I have tried to put a sent e-mail, freshly created, into its filter. It won't go. This has happened with two e-mails today. It looks as though there is a bug in the filter software. Further, when one is viewing the body of an e-mail, selecting Show In does not display the list of filters. One has to go back to the e-mail inbox to be able to get the filter list for selection. This has been faulty for several releases.
I have since updated to 6652 but still no success. I am running a G5 Mac with OS 10.5.8.
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