[OU] Mails missing in filters
Alan & Sally
2009-09-01 10:03:02 UTC
Hi, I have a problem with viewing e-mails in filters. It is nothing to do with the setting of the View period. When updating to the recent Opera 10 6642 I found that I had to import my settings because this release looked at earlier preferences (9.64). I don't see the point in this as the import was only partially successful. Filters were not imported and nor were widgets and RSS feeds. I had to manually reconstruct the filter list and also re-install widgets and feeds. After that I have spent several hours sorting through about 22 000 e-mails and placing them in the relevant filters. At the end of this exercise I find that many of the e-mails I have placed in filters by highlighting and then choosing Show In to place them in the required filter, are not showing. The number of e-mails displayed in the heading is probably correct but many of them are not accessible. At a rough estimate I am getting less than a quarter are showing in some filters. These are all in the Received!
Sent database and the contents can be viewed, but not in the filter.

What is probably a related problem relates to the creation of a new filter. When I highlight a group of e-mails and then try to put them into a new filter, only the first one of the group is showing. Today I have tried to put a sent e-mail, freshly created, into its filter. It won't go. This has happened with two e-mails today. It looks as though there is a bug in the filter software. Further, when one is viewing the body of an e-mail, selecting Show In does not display the list of filters. One has to go back to the e-mail inbox to be able to get the filter list for selection. This has been faulty for several releases.

I have since updated to 6652 but still no success. I am running a G5 Mac with OS 10.5.8.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Alan & Sally
2009-09-02 10:50:01 UTC
Hi, Problem solved.

It is nothing to do with the view period but it has everything to do with Show sent. Somehow this setting changed when installing the last two releases. I have never used it. In a filter, click View, then click on Show. In the list that comes up check the ones you want. In mine all the filter settings have "Show sent" unticked. On selecting this option I have all the e-mails showing in the filter.



------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Alan & Sally" <***@xtra.co.nz>
To: opera-***@opera.com
Subject: [OU] Mails missing in filters
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:11:55 +1200

Hi, I have a problem with viewing e-mails in filters. It is nothing to do with the setting of the View period. When updating to the recent Opera 10 6642 I found that I had to import my settings because this release looked at earlier preferences (9.64). I don't see the point in this as the import was only partially successful. Filters were not imported and nor were widgets and RSS feeds. I had to manually reconstruct the filter list and also re-install widgets and feeds. After that I have spent several hours sorting through about 22 000 e-mails and placing them in the relevant filters. At the end of this exercise I find that many of the e-mails I have placed in filters by highlighting and then choosing Show In to place them in the required filter, are not showing. The number of e-mails displayed in the heading is probably correct but many of them are not accessible. At a rough estimate I am getting less than a quarter are showing in some filters. These are all in the Received!
Sent database and the contents can be viewed, but not in the filter.

What is probably a related problem relates to the creation of a new filter. When I highlight a group of e-mails and then try to put them into a new filter, only the first one of the group is showing. Today I have tried to put a sent e-mail, freshly created, into its filter. It won't go. This has happened with two e-mails today. It looks as though there is a bug in the filter software. Further, when one is viewing the body of an e-mail, selecting Show In does not display the list of filters. One has to go back to the e-mail inbox to be able to get the filter list for selection. This has been faulty for several releases.

I have since updated to 6652 but still no success. I am running a G5 Mac with OS 10.5.8.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
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