Post by Martin WernerA short note about Facebook because my statement previously in this thread
may be missleading: Facebook and its games continuously change. I use
Opera 10 and IE 8 concurrently on my Vista notebook. While I prefer Opera,
in case of troubles it's worth trying IE; usually it will work in IE.
Currently FarmVille is definitely (contrary to my previous note) not
playable with my Opera 10. Flash games and Opera don't get along well.
Otherwise, depending on what you do at Facebook, Facebook with Opera can
be quite enjoyable.
I concur with that. Normal Facebook usage is fine, and *some* of the games I
play work ok with it (like Farkle and the Bejeweled 2 game) but most of the
social games (FarmVille, Fish Ones, YoVille, etc.) seem to go 100% cpu usage
without actually doing anything (like registering that you've clicked
anywhere). For them ones I just open IE8 and use that instead. It goes slow
there, but they at least work.
One thing I've noticed is that even just going to your news feed and having
the chat turned on seems to cause Opera to use up more memory. Not it's main
memory (this is just done using the crude way of checking the Mem Usage and
VM Size using the task manager), that seems to hover around 60 MB if there's
no flash on the page, but the VM Size shoots up (currently 120 MB, but was
230 MB earlier) whereas before it was probably about 40-60. I know it's not
a great measurement, but it's all I have time for.
I don't seem to have many problems with other flash games though, like the
ones found at armourgames, addictinggames, newgrounds, unless they're too
graphics heavy as this current computer is 7-8 years old.
Now the Facebook games *did* work when I first updated to 10.10, and even
when I updated to the newest flash version. Then they suddenly started
playing up, like some secret update was installed without me knowing. I'd
say it was the facebook app developers fault if it wasn't for the fact that
some of the games are by different developers (not like FarmVille and
YoVille both being by Zynga).
Then I had a problem where flash seemed to have forgotten that it was
installed, in Opera, IE8 and Firefox together. Had to install it again on
all of them.