I never open pdf files in the browser - that's always been a pain whatever
browser I use. Rather than open them inside the browser, I always either
open them with the default pdf reader, or download them to open later.
Try looking in the options in the pdf reader you're using. See if there's
a checkbox option to "open pdf in browser" or something similar. For
example, I use Foxit Reader. In preferences > Internet > Web Browser
Options there's a checkbox "Display PDF in browser". If I recall
correctly, Adobe Reader has a similar option. I haven't used Adobe for
years - I got sick it's bloat and inefficiency.
If you feel you have to have pdf files displaying inside the browser, then
I fear you might always have problems - whether you're using Opera or
another browser.
Post by Harry LakeOn 26 April 2010 11:19, Harry Lake
Of course, you realize I can give no gurantee that it will put an
end to your problem... :-)
It hasn't for me. I've had problems with pdf files since the first
10.50 build I tried and even the latest RC5 (build 3370) hasn't
fixed it. If I accidentally click a pdf file link the tab locks up,
the cursor spins, then the window dims, then the crash logger comes
up. Seems like it's some kind of inf. loop somewhere in the pdf
handling code. At first I always thought it was because I use
Fox-It, but now I'm starting to think that it's just Opera. I should
probably submit the results from the crash log, but I don't really
look at pdf files often enough to make me remember to do it.
I really don't think it can be 'just Opera'. Far more people would be
having this kind of problem if it were. I think there must be some
kind of conflict with some other program you have installed. I'm no
expert in these matters, but the thought occurs to me that you may be
using some other PDF reader than the Adobe program. IKf so, try
disabling it. What program, for example, is set as the default
program for opening PDFs? Try changing the default to Adobe to see
what happens.