[OU] Cannot access IPv6 sites
Thorsten Kampe
2009-10-29 18:36:24 UTC

I cannot reach IPv6 websites with Opera build 1848 (running on Windows
7) - while Firefox 3.5.4 and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine
have no problem. I'm having this problem probably for some months.

One example website is http://www.python.org.

nslookup gives:

Name: www.python.org
Addresses: 2001:888:2000:d::a2

I did a network trace and it shows six packets of this kind:

2002:952c:8881::952c:8881 2001:888:2000:d::a2 TCP 51957 > 80 [SYN]

Interestingly the IPv6 address belongs not to my LAN adapter but to my
"Tunnel adapter 6TO4 Adapter". None of these connection attempts is ever

These are the first packets of the (successful) connection in Firefox
and Internet Explorer:

[IE and FF]
<my IPv4 address> TCP 51861 > http [SYN] <my IPv4 address> TCP http > 51861 [SYN, ACK]
<my IPv4 address> TCP 51861 > http [ACK]

So it seems that Internet Explorer and Firefox ignore the IPv6 address
of www.python.org and use its IPv4 address to connect - while Opera uses
my Tunnel adapter's IPv6 address to connect to www.python.org's IPv6
address and fails.

How can I fix Opera's failing IPv6 connection attempt or how can I make
Opera behave like FF and IE (meaning "use the IPv4 address")?

Larry Washbrook
2009-10-29 19:04:11 UTC
I had no trouble connecting to "Python programming language - official
http://www.python.org/ using Opera 10.01 beta 1 and Opera build 1844 with
Windows Vista. ..... Larry

On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:35:32 -0700, Thorsten Kampe
Post by Thorsten Kampe
I cannot reach IPv6 websites with Opera build 1848 (running on Windows
7) - while Firefox 3.5.4 and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine
have no problem. I'm having this problem probably for some months.
One example website is http://www.python.org.
Name: www.python.org
Addresses: 2001:888:2000:d::a2
2002:952c:8881::952c:8881 2001:888:2000:d::a2 TCP 51957 > 80 [SYN]
Interestingly the IPv6 address belongs not to my LAN adapter but to my
"Tunnel adapter 6TO4 Adapter". None of these connection attempts is ever
These are the first packets of the (successful) connection in Firefox
[IE and FF]
<my IPv4 address> TCP 51861 > http [SYN] <my IPv4 address> TCP http > 51861 [SYN, ACK]
<my IPv4 address> TCP 51861 > http [ACK]
So it seems that Internet Explorer and Firefox ignore the IPv6 address
of www.python.org and use its IPv4 address to connect - while Opera uses
my Tunnel adapter's IPv6 address to connect to www.python.org's IPv6
address and fails.
How can I fix Opera's failing IPv6 connection attempt or how can I make
Opera behave like FF and IE (meaning "use the IPv4 address")?
Thorsten Kampe
2009-10-29 19:20:24 UTC
* Larry Washbrook (Thu, 29 Oct 2009 12:03:59 -0700)
Post by Larry Washbrook
I had no trouble connecting to "Python programming language - official
http://www.python.org/ using Opera 10.01 beta 1 and Opera build 1844 with
Windows Vista. ..... Larry
The question is: do you have an IPv6 enabled adapter and does Opera use
that to connect to python.org?!

Larry Washbrook
2009-10-29 19:27:00 UTC
Sorry Thorsten. I just don't know. I guess someone with more technical
knowledge than I will have to answer your question. ... Larry

On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 12:16:41 -0700, Thorsten Kampe
Post by Thorsten Kampe
* Larry Washbrook (Thu, 29 Oct 2009 12:03:59 -0700)
Post by Larry Washbrook
I had no trouble connecting to "Python programming language - official
http://www.python.org/ using Opera 10.01 beta 1 and Opera build 1844 with
Windows Vista. ..... Larry
The question is: do you have an IPv6 enabled adapter and does Opera use
that to connect to python.org?!
Thorsten Kampe
2009-10-29 19:14:20 UTC
I deleted operaprefs_default.ini and operaprefs.ini and I still cannot
connect to www.python.org. So it's nothing in my configuration.
Harry Lake
2009-10-29 19:36:05 UTC
Post by Thorsten Kampe
I cannot reach IPv6 websites with Opera build 1848 (running on Windows
7) - while Firefox 3.5.4 and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine
have no problem. I'm having this problem probably for some months.
One example website is http://www.python.org.
Seems to work fine for me with build 1844, which I only installed
yesterday or the day before. When did 1848 come out? Why doesn't the
website tell you what the latest build number is?

Of course, I *am* using Vista - not W7. Maybe that's the problem?

Rodger A Headifen
2009-10-30 19:52:04 UTC
Hi There,

Just 4 the info I can logon no prob...
Running ...

Version 10.00
Build 1750
Platform Win32
System Windows XP
Java Sun Java Runtime Environment version 1.6
XHTML+Voice Plug-in not loaded
Browser identification Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.2.15
Post by Harry Lake
Post by Thorsten Kampe
I cannot reach IPv6 websites with Opera build 1848 (running on Windows
7) - while Firefox 3.5.4 and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine
have no problem. I'm having this problem probably for some months.
One example website is http://www.python.org.
Seems to work fine for me with build 1844, which I only installed
yesterday or the day before. When did 1848 come out? Why doesn't the
website tell you what the latest build number is?
Of course, I *am* using Vista - not W7. Maybe that's the problem?
Kind regards
Rodger "Jesus is the life"
* http://www.bible.ca
* http://www.keytothekingdom.com
* ***@paradise.net.nz

Grasshopper LLC Publishing - http://www.pagestream.org
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows
Thorsten Kampe
2009-10-29 20:23:18 UTC
To answer my own question: it looks Opera tries to use IPv6 to connect
to an IPv6/IPv4 website when it is running on an IPv6 enabled system. I
don't know if that is the RFC compliant but it is also not very
intelligent because "IPv6 enabled system" does not necessarily mean
"IPv6 connectivity actually available".

So in essence that leads to the typical "Internet Explorer and Firefox
can open the web site. Opera can't. Opera is crap" kind of conclusion.

I think Opera should follow the pragmatic Firefox and IE behaviour and
thus make life for the Opera users easier.

John Lewis
2009-10-29 21:32:36 UTC
I cannot reach IPv6 websites with Opera build 1848 (running on Windows 7) -
while Firefox 3.5.4 and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine have no problem.
I'm having this problem probably for some months.
One example website is http://www.python.org.
No problems using Opera 10.01 Build 1844 - but also using Windows XP SP3.

