[OU] Larger image disappears south of screen
Harry Lake
2010-04-13 22:47:00 UTC
Looking at

precisely because of the amazing fact that this book exists (and
don't any of you dare buy the last copy, if you get there before me!)
I found this page and clicked on the 'Larger image' link. This
'larger image' (I assume that is what it is) has parked itself out of
sight under the screen. I can see the top of the frame, but not the
image. Scrolling down simply makes it jump downwards. It is as if it
were shy of the light, which perhaps it is, come to think of it...

Anyone confirm, or have another, perhaps better, experience?

Opera 10.51
Katrina Knight
2010-04-13 23:06:24 UTC
Post by Harry Lake
Looking at
precisely because of the amazing fact that this book exists
(and don't any of you dare buy the last copy, if you get there
before me!) I found this page and clicked on the 'Larger image'
link. This 'larger image' (I assume that is what it is) has
parked itself out of sight under the screen. I can see the top
of the frame, but not the image. Scrolling down simply makes it
jump downwards. It is as if it were shy of the light, which
perhaps it is, come to think of it...
Anyone confirm, or have another, perhaps better, experience?
I can confirm that the larger image ends up mostly off the
screen at the very bottom. However, at the top of the larger
image window, in the portion that is visible, I see the word
"drag". You can put the mouse there and drag the window by
moving the mouse. You don't even need to click on it, just hover
the mouse over the word "drag". Do you see that or is that off
the screen for you too?
Katrina Knight
James Card
2010-04-13 23:07:22 UTC
Post by Harry Lake
Looking at
precisely because of the amazing fact that this book exists (and don't
any of you dare buy the last copy, if you get there before me!) I found
this page and clicked on the 'Larger image' link. This 'larger image' (I
assume that is what it is) has parked itself out of sight under the
screen. I can see the top of the frame, but not the image. Scrolling
down simply makes it jump downwards. It is as if it were shy of the
light, which perhaps it is, come to think of it...
It looks like some poorly-written JavaScript code on their site may be
causing this.

Clicking the link displays a small overlay on top of the main page that
contains the larger image, plus a "control" in the upper left corner
labeled "Drag" and another "control" in upper right corner that look like
an "X". Click and hold on that "Drag" control and you can reposition the
overlaid image.
James Card -- <http://jdcard.com/>
Often there are several ways to understand a given set of
facts; some of them may be more useful than others.
Harry Lake
2010-04-14 00:23:14 UTC
Post by James Card
Post by Harry Lake
Looking at
precisely because of the amazing fact that this book exists (and don't
any of you dare buy the last copy, if you get there before me!) I found
this page and clicked on the 'Larger image' link. This 'larger image' (I
assume that is what it is) has parked itself out of sight under the
screen. I can see the top of the frame, but not the image. Scrolling
down simply makes it jump downwards. It is as if it were shy of the
light, which perhaps it is, come to think of it...
It looks like some poorly-written JavaScript code on their site may be
causing this.
James, it seems to me to be some time since I saw your name here (but
maybe that's just my memory!), but that's why I'm giving you the main
kudos here (why should Katrina get it all just because she's our
usual saviour?) - plus the fact that you suggest a reason!

On the other hand, Katrina writes 'Do you see that or is that off the
screen for you too?' and in so doing she too hits the nail on the
head because my answer is 'No, I don't, and yes, it is'.

Does it make the problem more, or less, curious, if I now tell you
that /now/ I see what you two see - and can accordingly drag the
image to where I can see the whole thing!? I should add straight away
that I have not closed down and restarted the computer in the
meanwhile. The whole thing is a mystery. Not being a believer in God
(despite, as you see, using a capital), I can only attribute this to
a gremlin (note lack of capital) in my computer... (Of course, it's
still entirely possible that this was an act of God... The fact that
I don't believe in God doesn't mean God doesn't exist.) (I'm trying
to cover what I believe is called 'all bases'...)

All very odd, but that gets no one anywhere so let's all just forget
about it, shall we? :-)

Bart Hansen
2010-04-14 11:08:12 UTC
By God, it works fine in Chrome.

Post by Harry Lake
Looking at
precisely because of the amazing fact that this book exists (and don't any
of you dare buy the last copy, if you get there before me!) I found this
page and clicked on the 'Larger image' link. This 'larger image' (I assume
that is what it is) has parked itself out of sight under the screen. I can
see the top of the frame, but not the image. Scrolling down simply makes it
jump downwards. It is as if it were shy of the light, which perhaps it is,
come to think of it...
Anyone confirm, or have another, perhaps better, experience?
Opera 10.51
2010-04-14 12:38:09 UTC
For me, it works fine in Chrome. In Opera ( v 10.51/WinXP ) if I use <open
in new tab>,
I can see a the larger view ( jpg ). Otherwise, even though my cursor
and a URL shows in the progress bar, I do not get the expected larger image.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bart Hansen" <***@gmail.com>
To: "Using Opera" <opera-***@opera.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [OU] Larger image disappears south of screen
Post by Bart Hansen
By God, it works fine in Chrome.
Post by Harry Lake
Looking at
precisely because of the amazing fact that this book exists (and don't any
of you dare buy the last copy, if you get there before me!) I found this
page and clicked on the 'Larger image' link. This 'larger image' (I assume
that is what it is) has parked itself out of sight under the screen. I can
see the top of the frame, but not the image. Scrolling down simply makes it
jump downwards. It is as if it were shy of the light, which perhaps it is,
come to think of it...
Anyone confirm, or have another, perhaps better, experience?
Opera 10.51
Katrina Knight
2010-04-14 12:56:45 UTC
Post by harry12
For me, it works fine in Chrome. In Opera ( v 10.51/WinXP ) if
I use <open in new tab>,
I can see a the larger view ( jpg ). Otherwise, even though my
cursor changes
and a URL shows in the progress bar, I do not get the expected
larger image.
If you have fit to width turned on, try turning that off. I
meant to mention that in my earlier reply, but forgot. When I
tried turning on fit to width, the large image window
disappeared completely.
Katrina Knight
John Lewis
2010-04-14 15:37:59 UTC
Post by James Card
Clicking the link displays a small overlay on top of the main page that
contains the larger image, plus a "control" in the upper left corner labeled
"Drag" and another "control" in upper right corner that look like an "X".
Click and hold on that "Drag" control and you can reposition the overlaid

< http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/book/9780425180693/The-Oxford-Essential-Dictio
nary-of-the-U.S.-Military >

If you cannot see the Drag symbol, try using full screen mode.

I neverrealized there was a *Dictionary* of the US Military - let alone an
Essential one! :-))


Harry Lake
2010-04-14 16:07:07 UTC
The first time I clicked on the link today, the larger image opened
on a new page all by itself, with no frame. I tried to do this a
second time without success.

If there's one thing that's clear, it is that Opera gives a whole
range of results varying from moment to moment and from place to place!

