[OU] speed dial
Jack Hill
2010-05-16 00:43:20 UTC
For some odd reason, the speed dial has ceased to function properly on
both of my Windows computers and now on my Mac as well.
When I try to place a URL into speed dial, the URL opens as soon as I
press down the mouse button, and therefore won't drag into the speed dial
Why would this happen to three different computers at once? And how can I
fix this?
Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Bessenyei Balázs
2010-05-16 00:49:22 UTC
If you are trying to drag a tab and using 10.50+, then try to dragging it
using the right mouse button.
Post by Jack Hill
For some odd reason, the speed dial has ceased to function properly on
both of my Windows computers and now on my Mac as well.
When I try to place a URL into speed dial, the URL opens as soon as I
press down the mouse button, and therefore won't drag into the speed
dial window.
Why would this happen to three different computers at once? And how can
I fix this?
Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Jack Hill
2010-05-16 05:06:56 UTC
You got it! Thanks! Now, why couldn't I find that info in the so-called
"knowledge base"?
Post by Bessenyei Balázs
If you are trying to drag a tab and using 10.50+, then try to dragging
it using the right mouse button.
Post by Jack Hill
For some odd reason, the speed dial has ceased to function properly on
both of my Windows computers and now on my Mac as well.
When I try to place a URL into speed dial, the URL opens as soon as I
press down the mouse button, and therefore won't drag into the speed
dial window.
Why would this happen to three different computers at once? And how can
I fix this?
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