2009-10-04 23:31:09 UTC
How do I handle http://www.monster.se and http://jobb.monster.se/ ?
I have Opera 9.24.
It's a site for finding jobs. The needed function seems basically to be found on the
Jobböversikt | Rensa sökfält | Fler sökalternativ
Clicking at "Fler sökalternativ" should open alternatives, but it doesn't. I've tried to
turn everything "on" that I could think of, but no results.
Other things don't work either on that page.
It does seem to work in Firefox, though.
I have Opera 9.24.
It's a site for finding jobs. The needed function seems basically to be found on the
Jobböversikt | Rensa sökfält | Fler sökalternativ
Clicking at "Fler sökalternativ" should open alternatives, but it doesn't. I've tried to
turn everything "on" that I could think of, but no results.
Other things don't work either on that page.
It does seem to work in Firefox, though.